New StarLight grades: FX 15 and FX25

The Shepherd Color Company is pleased to introduce two new special effect pigments in our StarLight® series; StarLight FX 15 and StarLight FX 25. The new pigments, made with Shepherd's Micro-Mirror® technology, are beautifully reflective silver-coated glass flakes. Attributes of the new pigments include brilliant sparkle and glitter effects - especially in strong sunlight, resistant to tarnish, and easy to disperse.
With the average flake diameter near 15 microns for FX 15, and 25 microns for FX 25, these one-micron thick mirrors are exceptionally well suited for coatings applications. The FX pigments provide sparkle and flash effects at relatively low loadings (< 1 %) in non-opaque color base coats, or as additives in clear protective topcoats. They are compatible with most all resins and solvents.
While very useful in coatings, FX 15 and FX 25 can be successfully employed in most plastic systems. Their high heat stability (max 500°C) makes them particularly useful in the higher temperature engineering resins.