Controlling colour with high-performance inorganic pigments

Dispersion of Complex Inorganic Colour Pigments in Powder Coatings
In the previous article of our three-part series, the general properties of high-performance pigments, complex inorganic color pigments (CICPs), were discussed. This article touches on controlling the colour in powder coatings using the dispersion properties of CICPs. These high-performance pigments give controllable colour because the relatively higher use-rates as compared to organic pigments allow more advantageous mixing ratios. This can be demonstrated in the tinting of near white colours. Stability is beneficial if the powder coating needs to be re-extruded to correct for other colourants performance.
Read the entire article by Mark Ryan in the August edition of Polymers Paint Colour Journal here and be on the look-out for the next article later this year.
Read Article 1 of this 3-part series: High-performance colour pigments for powder coatings